da try skali and am sweating like a....no,no..not dat twisted tail..sweating like a football player,can i?well,musim world cup kn...sumer benda nk ade kaitan ngan bola..luckily my hubby xde ar die hard fan of world cup sgt..if not....hmmm...i hv no idea...
tonite keje..hopefully wad x bz sgt..almaklum la,da 4 ari ct..huhu..mlsnyer nk g keje....
papa maybe keje smpai pg sok..so,sok papa ct!!yay!!..(tp die kate maybe ar....)
td g tempah bunting tuk kazen nyer wedding..hehe..as a present ar kira nie..next week pon ct lg,da lm x blik kg..maybe ct 4 ari start khamis..ptg khamis da nk blik,and klu anak2 buah da ct skolah maybe nk bwk diaorg skali,huhu..mesti mak suke bwk cucu2 die blik dulu..
hmm..da nk kul 6 da.. farid pon lom blik lg..lately ni asik o.t je,blik pon lmbt..nk g wat dadih then iron bj,siap2 g keje.. c u..tmrw...
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